Art Auctions and art gallaries

ImageFine Art Gallery is also a subject to the business and the is put for sale in Art Auction. Most of the  art actions is  put for sale and just exhibitions by the private companies dealing in the business of arts.
Auction sale of works of art, as its name suggests, is a place where works of art are put up for sale. Auction can be organized by non-profit organizations to raise money for charitable purposes, as well as for profit.

Auction sale of art works in different phases.

The first phase is the acquisition. In order to have an auction, you must have art works that can be put up for sale. The auctioneer must have deep knowledge of the historical and cultural significance of each exhibit. The second phase of the auction. Works of art made in the Art Auction catalogue. Catalogs are sent to collectors and interested buyers. For some items it is important to obtain certificates confirming their authenticity. You must also define a base price.

It is also important to good advertising future auction. And, finally, the third phase of the auction directly. Every Home Buyer Decorate at auction must be registered to participate and get your room. Many auction houses buyers may be asked to provide evidence of their ability to pay. The auction starts with the basic price or reserve that is the minimum price at which the owner agreed. If a work of art can not reach the reserve price, the item is not for sale. Most auction houses will increase by a percentage of the sale.

The cost of Painting or How to Buy a Painting

ImageIn this post we would discuss about how to buy and invest in a piece of art. How to buy the right painting form an Art Auction
For your home?
Note, in descending order,  the factors that determine the price of the painting.

The name of the artist is the main determinant of the price of the painting.

The  uniqueness of the Plot-Puzzle, Word, illusion or academic still life.  Subjects of the paintings.

Place of purchase paintings-painting auction, art gallery or the Internet.

Technique-oil and canvas,  or pencil and pastel.

Preface: what to choose-picture, a copy of the picture or poster to Decorate Your Home?

The poster is a photograph of the painting, printed on paper or canvas. There are typographical posters (printed in large numbers), you can buy them in any specialized store. Of the advantages of this type of poster, no doubt, is the price. Prices fork can be from 20 to 50 dollars. Mention of the fragility of the paper,  its tendency to yellowing, moisture accumulation. The cost of the poster may grow in the future. For example, in Germany, Soviet posters in antique shops stand for 250-500 euro’s, but hoped that the price of the poster will grow-not worth it.

It happens that the artist sells posters, printed with his paintings, limited edition. After printing, the artist puts on a poster, sign, and numbers and covers the poster art with lacquer. Advantage of buying the original poster can be considered as longevity (print on canvas and varnish will protect your poster art for a long time). In addition, if the artist is notable, and a stroke of his pen could cost millions.

The figurative paintings: the Expression of the Human Message

ImageApart from the bookstore in which the book is sold, the Fine Art Gallery seems to be a collection of stories painted on the white paper canvas. It is the only medium that really differs. The language has many decorative forms, narrative, and the political expression of a feeling. Whether voluntary or not, it has always been a reflection of the manners and feelings of an era or civilization. Social change has resulted essentially by technical and ideological evolution of the system of representation.  Over the time, the image as presented itself as the means of expressions as the language did so many centuries ago.Those who got creative with the vision tried to explore the means of communication. The concept of art encompasses a broad range of points of view: that we try to make it beautiful to idealize or contrary to bother to express feelings related to fear or anxiety, pictorial representation has presented itself to human thought, with all its diversity and complexity.

From Prehistory to the early twentieth century, art has always been figurative, i.e., the image created to try to mimic what we see, whether realistically or not, depending the message that the artist seeks to convey. Feelings of dissatisfaction and revolt born of great social upheavals have changed this figuration which eventually collapses under the blows of science. Home Buyer Decorates the most important room in the house with paintings.  Paintings are messages from the artists about the things and life in general. That is what makes it superior to the language.